Liquid Seeweed

Liquid Seaweed

$33.00 10% inc

or 4 payments of $8.25 with Wizit learn more

Australian Made Natrakelp Liquid Seaweed is made from Ascophyllum Nodosum, one of the worlds richest sources of micro/trace nutrients, alginic acid, essential amino acids, minerals and other complex organic compounds.

SKU: Liquid Seeweed Category:
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Filtered to 120 mesh which is satisfactory for nearly all agricultural equipment.
These are some of the results achieved with Natrakelp Liquid SEAWEED in controlled scientific studies ~ they prove it works!




Wheat 51/haR Duthie, UNE**+19%
Wheat 101/haR Duthie, UNE+26%
Faba BeansR Duthie, UNE+41%
CottonR Duthie, CSIRO-UNE+12%
CottonS Belfield, UNE+27%
Rice (root growth)L Lewin, RRI***+26%
CarrotsS Kempff, UNE+32%
Carrots (beta carotene)S Kempff, UNE+19%
BeetsS Kempff, UNE+40%
LeeksS Kempff, UNE+39%
Wheat (seed coating)S Jefferies, SARDI****+12%
ZucchiniS Kempff, UNE+22%
Tobacco Leaf(disc bio-assay)S Kempff, UNE+45%
Cut Flowers (vase life)P Jones, UNE+33%
Flowers (on bush)P Jones, UNE+20%
Hydroponic SaladGreenhouse Life Inst+19%
VegetablesSendai Japan
TobaccoDr WC Wong
Beijing China

* Based on control grown using conventional fertiliser programme and on four replicates.
* University of New England
* South Australian Reserch and Development Institute

Pack Sizes

  • 1 L

General Information:

Natrakelp liquid seaweed has shown to increase nutrient uptake, increased root development, stronger stem growth, increased photosynthesis and improve turf quality.

Weight1.1 kg
Dimensions12 × 7 × 18 cm

Ideal for use on all grass varieties including Couch Grass, Kikuyu, Buffalo, Zoysia and all cool season grasses including Ryegrass and fine fescues. Doesn’t need irrigation to activate and can be mixed with all products.

Safety Directions:

Avoid contact with skin, eyes and avoid breathing in vapour or spray mist.

Natrakelp Liquid SEAWEED:

Natrakelp Liquid SEAWEED, has been shown to increase yields in small and broadacre crops, turf and pasture, horticulture, ornamental and home gardens. Controlled university trials clearly demonstrate:
•Improved nutrient uptake.
•Increased root development.
•Stronger stem growth.
•Increased photosynthesis.
•Increased yield.
•Longer shelf life.
•Improved quality.



To be used as part of a balanced plant nutrition program
and at times of environmental stress.
Apply 6 to 10 Litres per hectare (Estimate only – applications will vary according to crops and time of applications).
Dilution should be 100 ~ 1

BEST RESULTS are achieved when applied:

•As a foliar spray. (It can also be used as a seed/seedling treatment).
•In the cool of the day.
•When watering in seedlings.
•On very early plant growth.
•On flushes in mature stock.
•Pre fruit set.
•At fruit set.


Compatible with most Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides and Foliar Fertilisers. It is not compatible with calcium or any acidic or acidic based products. A jar compatibility test is recommended prior to tank mixing.