ceasefire 2g

Ceasefire 2G Insecticide

$50.00 10% inc

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For the Control of Certain Pests in Turf; Ants, Fleas and Ticks in External Surrounds of Buildings and Structures

SKU: Ceasefire 2G Insecticide Category: Tag:
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Active Constituent

  • 2 g/kg BIFENTHRIN

Activity Group

  • Group 3A Insecticide


  • G – Granular

Pack Sizes

  • 2.5kg

Ceasefire 2G Insecticide is registered for the control of a wide range of household and lawn insect pests including a variety of ant species, ticks and fleas, this product is ideal for use in public and private buildings and lawns.

Being non-scheduled it can be used in schools and government sites where other insecticide products are restricted. It is ideal for treating pests that harbour between cracks and crevices such as between pavers and structural cracks.

Weight2.5 kg
  • Unique Easy to Spread sand formulation
  • Ready to use
  • Suits most broadcast machinery
  • Minimal site disruption required
  • Odour free, non-staining, no phytotoxicity
  • Broad spectrum
  • Fast knockdown and long residual
  • Cost effective and convenient to use
  • Unscheduled (exempt from poison scheduling)
  • No ‘Re-Entry Period’ applicable

The sand granules are poured or brushed into these cracks where they sit in the treatment zone effectively killing the problem pests and leaving residual protection with little or no site disruption. Ceasefire 2G Insecticide can also be used when extended rain periods limit the use of liquid sprays or in areas where spraying liquid insecticides is not practical or possible. Ceasefire 2G Insecticide is also suitable for use on lawn pests such as ants, lawn grubs and beetles.

Ceasefire 2G Insecticide is for the control of a range of insect pests in turf and external building surrounds situations as per the directions of use.

Ceasefire 2G Insecticide is a quality formulation of 2g/kg bifenthrin.